Wednesday, 9 January 2013

the six steps to singledom

Having looked at the past twelve months, I figured that there are six main points of getting to total single happiness. This blog here is just a collection of my thoughts on the matter of “singledom”, stories from me and my friends as to how we got to love being single.

So here is my “organisation” of my “foolproof guide”. Every post/article will fit into one of these chapters, and they’ll all be collected together. If you’re here for some advice, you might be at step 3 already-so you can just go straight there. Not a strict list to follow, just a (hopefully) easier way to browse!

-Random Acts of Sadness

When I see people recently out of relationships, the one mistake I think they are all trying to make is NOT to be sad. I really just think this is a bit silly, sadness is a normal, natural human emotion. If you can’t have a good weep over the end of a beautiful relationship what can you weep over? 

-Realisation (part 1)

So this is the point at which you’re like “What the hell was I thinking?!”  tending to be a relatively short point, reaching it can be the issue here.  This is going to be about helping you get there.

-The Break-over

So cliched, so cringe, yet so true. And I don’t necessarily mean cut all your hair off and buy a new lipstick (though this does work, I promise!), breakover your personality too. There’s no better time to totally revamp your life/style so do it!

-How to be a Strong Independent Woman Who Don’t Need No Man

Where it all started. Listen to Beyonce. You’re a Survivor. ETC. Recognise and learn who your friends are. Reconnect! Do something brand new, radical. May your strength and independence know no bounds.

-Wanting and Needing

Recognising the difference between wanting and needing is a pretty useful skill to have; but an invaluable one, to being single. I think it’s important to say that my point isn’t how to live your ENTIRE life out being single. Just about wanting a relationship, rather than feeling like you need it.

-Tranquility of Singledom

The point at which you decide to start a blog, informing the world of how incredible it is to be single. Not really, but the point you’ll hopefully reach. The point at which, when sympathetically sarcastic family members say “Oh you’re still single” you can laugh and retort with “but I LOVE being single”. Because you know what, you really bloody well will do.

So, there’s the SIX STEPS.

Happy singledom x

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